
fabulous [ˈfæbjələs]  [ˈfæbjələs] 

fabulous 基本解释


形容词难以置信的; 极好的,极妙的; (美貌)惊人的; 寓言般的

fabulous 相关例句



1. The museum has a fabulous collection of jewels.

2. I feel absolutely fabulous.

3. The dragon is a fabulous creature.

fabulous 网络解释

1. 荒诞无稽的,不存在的:2. delusion 欺骗 | 3. fabulous 荒诞无稽的,不存在的 | 4. exhilarating 令人高兴的

2. 太精采了:Thanks. 谢谢. | Fabulous! 太精采了 | Thanks. 谢谢.

3. 真是令人难以种 信:Oh, Grandpa! How exciting! 啊 爷爷 真亮瞬 起. | Fabulous! 真是令人难以种 信. | Why, I didn't know that your grandfather was born in Germany. 你看 我竟然膊 知道您的爷爷出生在德国.

fabulous 词典解释

1. 极好的;绝妙的
    If you describe something as fabulous, you are emphasizing that you like it a lot or think that it is very good.

    e.g. This is a fabulous album. It's fresh, varied, fun...
    e.g. The scenery and weather were fabulous.

2. (成功)极大的;(美貌)惊人的
    If you talk about someone's fabulous beauty, for example, or their fabulous success, you are emphasizing that they are extremely beautiful or extremely successful.

    e.g. Despite his fabulous wealth, he is very much a man of the people.

...their fabulously rich parents.
fabulous 单语例句

1. It's fabulous to have a player of this calibre on our squad.

2. On both weekdays and weeknights, this potentially fabulous club is absolutely dead.

3. Deputy executive chef Richard Hilton will tell you the secrets to a fabulous shrimp cocktail, and teach you how to prepare a classic roast beef with Yorkshire pudding.

4. A commentator from the TV 5 said the Games has drawn the world's attention to Beijing and added a " fabulous " chapter to the Olympic history.

5. fabulous

5. The fabulous sandy beaches and crystal clear water give visitors a real break.

6. Sienna played host at the event wearing the label's creation, and Anne looked stunning proving she doesn't need her Devil's wardrobe to look fabulous.

7. But Sienna Miller has spoken out about the unrealistically flattering nature of airbrushing, claiming that digital wizardry alone is to thank for her'fabulous body'.

8. The transparent domed ceiling of the restaurant offers fabulous views of the peaks.

9. My impressions of gays in America were formed by a Newsweek article about a gay parade which was full of pictures of fabulous drag queens.

10. Wash your sheets and air your bedroom so that you have a fabulous, clean bed to jump into on Friday.

fabulous 英英释义



1. barely credible

    e.g. the fabulous endurance of a marathon runner

2. extremely pleasing

    e.g. a fabulous vacation

    Synonym: fab

3. based on or told of in traditional stories
    lacking factual basis or historical validity

    e.g. mythical centaurs
           the fabulous unicorn

    Synonym: mythic mythical mythologic mythological
