
eyes ['aɪz]  ['aɪz] 




现在分词:eyeing; eying




eyes 基本解释
眼睛( eye的名词复数 );视力;眼状物;风纪扣扣眼;
eyes 网络解释

1. 眼睛:<<眼睛>>(Eyes)是谢尔林笔下的-个非常有特色的片段,是描写一个残忍的瞎眼女商人极为渴望得到角膜做移植手术的故事,她不顾医生巴瑞.舒力文的劝告:即便做了移植手术也只能有几小时的光明,而拼命强夺来汤姆.巴斯雷的角膜,

2. 眼镜:F 美式眼镜(EYES) 眼镜/太阳镜 框架、太阳眼镜限量超值价,隐形眼镜部分款买三送一(07.16-08.16)F 时间廊(citychain) 珠宝/手表/饰品 手表部分款式超值价(数量有限)(07.16-08.16)F 卡宾(cabbeen) 男装 指定款5折(07.16-08.16)

3. 通天眼线:<<通天眼线>>(Eyes)里的工业间谍用博客传递情报. <<犯罪现场:迈阿密>>里的拉美毒贩用扁扁的复印纸炸弹来暗杀. <<噩梦工厂>>里的职业杀手听用新款的iPod听音乐. <<犯罪现场:纽约>>里的警察用刚在研究室里露面的机器人来拆炸弹,

4. 眼睛顏色:1988年大卫.科波菲尔(David Copperfield) 颁发全台湾少儿魔术比赛冠军世界魔术师协会(IBM)年度大会– 美国迈阿密美国魔术师协会日本分会(SAM JAPAN)年度大会– 日本崎玉最爱颜色(Favor Color): 黑色(Black)眼睛颜色(Eyes): 黑色( Black )在高中时期,

eyes 单语例句

1. The eyes should pop and a knife inserted into the fleshiest part of the fish should go in like butter.

2. Her eyes and nose are still a little swollen but they are recovering day by day.

3. The established social systems bred by prevailing laws and rules are right in front of our eyes.

4. eyes的解释

4. In the eyes of the Naxi, the Great Camellia is the symbol of true love.

5. The model poses before the camera as she averts her eyes from the prying lens and turns her head gracefully into another direction.

6. eyes是什么意思

6. For example one woman asked to open the canthus at both sides of the eyes.

7. Carbolic acid and its vapor are corrosive to the eyes, skin and respiratory system.

8. Carbolic acid and its vapors are corrosive to the eyes, skin and respiratory system.

9. On more than one occasion I have almost had my eyes poked out by the careless umbrella wielding of a Chinese woman.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. But the carrot dangling before eyes fails to tempt many graduates who consider it a clash of their job preferences.

eyes 英英释义


1. opinion or judgment

    e.g. in the eyes of the law
           I was wrong in her eyes
