
extinguisher [ɪkˈstɪŋgwɪʃə]  [ɪkˈstɪŋɡwɪʃɚ] 


extinguisher 基本解释

名词熄火者; 消火者; 消火器; 熄火器

extinguisher 网络解释


1. 灭火器:External 外部的、表面的 r#8t@W | Extinguisher 灭火器 ??\1eo2gB | Extinguishing medium 灭弧介质 ld

2. 车用灭火器:黑烟过滤器 Diesel Particle Filter | 车用灭火器 Extinguisher | 零组件用材料 Components Materials

3. 消失基因,绝灭基因;灭火器:extine 花粉外壁;芽胞外膜 | extinguisher 消失基因,绝灭基因;灭火器 | extinguisher loci 消失基因座,绝灭基因座

4. 消火器灭火器:extinction消光 | extinguisher消火器灭火器 | extirpator深耕中耕机

extinguisher 词典解释

1. 同 fire extinguisher
    An extinguisher is the same as a fire extinguisher .

extinguisher 单语例句

1. Their rented home was a tiny dwelling in a crowded apartment building with a narrow corridor and no fire extinguisher.

2. extinguisher的意思

2. Witnesses said one of the men was engulfed in flames and spoke " gibberish " as an official used a fire extinguisher to douse the fire.

3. Another guy gets a fire extinguisher hose shoved up his mouth until his eyes and ears explode from his head.

4. They were unable to extinguish the flames with a fire extinguisher, the report said.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. Raikkonen grabbed an extinguisher from a marshal and fired foam over the rear of the car before mechanics pushed the McLaren back to the pits.

6. She rushed to fetch an extinguisher from her neighbor but no one in either household knew how to use it.

7. He got off and found the fire extinguisher, which he then used to break the window of the bus to help passengers out.

8. extinguisher的解释

8. He then climbed up from a second floor window and used a fire extinguisher to put it out.

9. extinguisher在线翻译

9. A passenger failed to smash the window with a fire extinguisher but managed to open a crack.

10. extinguisher

10. " What we need most is more practice, " he says while discussing the correct usage of a fire extinguisher.

extinguisher 英英释义


1. a manually operated device for extinguishing small fires

    Synonym: fire extinguisher asphyxiator
