external trade

external trade [eksˈtə:nl treid]  [ɪkˈstɚnəl treid] 

external trade 基本解释


external trade 网络解释

1. 对外贸易:因而,人类的社区似乎从来就没有前述的所谓完整的对外贸易(external trade),当然这种贸易也不必然包括有市场. 不过应该明确的是,外部市场(external market)与地方性的或内部市场(internal maket)是大不相同的. 这不仅表现在大小上,

2. 国外贸易:在某些海岛国家(或地区)以及对外贸易活动主要依靠海运的国家或地区,如英国、日本和我国台湾地区等,也把对外贸易活动称为海外贸易(Oversea Trade). 此外,对外贸易又称国外贸易(External Trade)、进出口贸易(Import and Export Trade)或输出入贸易.

3. 对进出口易:ex shop terms 店铺交货要求 | external trade 对进出口易 | extra charge 额外费用

4. 对外贸易,外贸:, external trade 对外贸易,外贸 | terms of trade 贸易条件 | free-trade area 自由贸易区

external trade 单语例句

1. The group handed over the cash donation to the Taiwan External Trade Development Council, which will pass it on to the relevant agencies soon.

2. external trade是什么意思

2. He suggested that China learn from the Japan External Trade Organization and US Chamber of Commerce and set up a global network for Chinese investors.

3. The IMF cautioned that weaknesses in advanced economies will weigh on external demand, as well as on the terms of trade of commodity exporters.

4. China's external terms of trade have moved around a lot in recent years, because of swings in raw commodity prices.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. That means they will apply all EU bilateral trade agreements, common external tariff and trade defence measures.

6. external trade

6. This allows private investors to reap the benefits of their investments and to carry out external trade without cumbersome restrictions.

7. China's external terms of trade will likely improve as import prices dependent on commodities decelerate by more than export prices dominated by manufactures.

8. external trade

8. Contracting demand from the perspective of external and domestic trade indicate the expansion of investment and financing will be restrained.

9. " That will help to promote both domestic and external trade and economic rebalancing, " Flaherty said.

10. So the key to cutting the US trade deficit lies in internal reform, not external pressure.
