express mail

express mail [iksˈpres meil]  [ɪkˈsprɛs mel] 

express mail 基本解释

express mail在线翻译

快件,快信; 快邮

express mail 网络解释

express mail

1. 快递邮件:国内明信片将涨价两分至廿三分;半磅以内的快递邮件(Express Mail) 涨一点二元至三点六五元;优先邮件(Priority Mail) 涨卅五分至三点八五元. 事实上,在九一一事件发生的数分钟前,邮局刚宣布二○○二年邮资涨价的幅度,与本次提出的相同.

2. 快递:其服务模式多样,比如:邮递(mail),快递(express mail),电传(telex),传真(fax)及电子邮件(E-mail)等. 文献传递的电子化、网络环境使传送的信息量更大,内容、媒体更丰富,使传送的速度更快捷,手续更简洁,使用户获得文献信息的渠道更畅通.

3. 快信:我处会派专人将获得签证的护照取出,用申请人提供的回邮信封及时寄回申请人处. 预付邮资的回邮信封.我们推荐使用以下方式的回邮信封:FedEx, UPS, 邮局的挂号信(Certified mail),优先信(Priority mail)或快信(Express mail).

4. 邮政快件:邮政储蓄postal savings | 邮政快件express mail | 应酬engage in social activities; have social intercourse

express mail 单语例句

1. express mail的反义词

1. Those goods were confiscated as a result of inspections of express deliveries and postal mail.

2. The US Postal Service charges 45 cents to mail a standard domestic letter, and express package delivery there typically costs more than $ 10.

3. The mainland and Taiwan didn't have direct express mail service in the past.

4. And direct postal services will include express mail, parcels and remittances.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. The State Post Bureau announced yesterday that starting tomorrow, it will modify the remittance fees as well as domestic Express Mail Service fees.

6. China revised its Post Law in 2009, which forbids foreign companies from participating in the domestic mail express business.

7. express mail在线翻译

7. The new airline will begin with charter passenger services, domestic air cargo and mail transport and express service from Tianjin.

8. The gangs also use express mail and through freight to transport the goods.

9. express mail是什么意思

9. DHL Express is a division of the German logistics company Deutsche Post providing international express mail services.

10. express mail的近义词

10. Jia sent the lawsuit by express mail to the Qingdao Maritime Court on Friday and it is expected to arrive on Monday.

express mail 英英释义


1. mail that is distributed by a rapid and efficient system

    Synonym: express
