
explorers [ɪk'splɔ:rəz]  [ɪk'splɔ:rəz] 


explorers 基本解释
探险家,勘探者( explorer的名词复数 );
explorers 网络解释

1. 冲向天外天:在儿童科幻片<<冲向天外天>>(Explorers)中,男孩子克兰道经常重复作一个电子线路图的怪梦. 他的好友,醉心科技的伍德斯根据这个梦制造了一台电子仪器,竟然可以制造出任意大小的反重力空气球. 他们和另外一个男孩把家里的废金属、旧玻璃、轮胎拿出来,

2. 小鬼头征空奇遇:我记得早於里华八十年代初出道不久已听说过里华冯力士的名字,但当时仔主演的电影甚少在港上映的关系(记忆中就只得<<小鬼头征空奇遇>>(Explorers)及<<伴我同行>>(Stand by Me))在港上映过.

3. 探險家:美国国家地理学会还有:1984年问世的国家地理旅行家杂志、国家地理儿童杂志、1999年4月推出的国家地理探险杂志等;国家地理每周一次的系列节目<<探险家>>(Explorers)以及标志性的长期播出的<<国家地理任务>>节目和超大屏幕的电影已经荣获了800多个奖项,

explorers 单语例句

1. explorers

1. It reached Europe via the Spanish explorers, and the Italian Casanova rated chocolate above champagne for its seductive qualities.

2. The central government has imposed a windfall tax on oil explorers and that has contributed to its treasury.

3. They contain murals and written documents in many ancient languages, although many were pillaged by foreign explorers early last century.

4. The tax increase will cut profits of oil explorers and coal miners.

5. While much of the fun of traveling revolves around new experiences, even the most adventurous explorers may draw the line at trying certain foods.

6. It gained fame among European explorers who longed to find the shorter route to Asia, but found it rendered inhospitable by ice and weather.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. Explorers announced in Harbin yesterday they have detected China's fifth largest natural gas field in the northeastern province of Heilongjiang.

8. The temple was initially built to house two statues and the sutra books the explorers on horseback brought back with them from India.

9. Tullow and Heritage control three oil blocks that cover the Ugandan side of Lake Albert, but the explorers lack the resources to develop the project alone.

10. And many set the channel as the main page of their Internet Explorers.
