
explore [ɪkˈsplɔ:(r)]  [ɪkˈsplɔr] 







explore 基本解释

不及物动词勘查, 探测, 勘探; [医]探查(伤处等),探索,研究

及物动词探索, 探究, 仔细查看

explore 词典解释

1. 在…探险;探测;勘察;考察
    If you explore a place, you travel around it to find out what it is like.

    e.g. I just wanted to explore Paris, read Sartre, listen to Sidney Bechet...
    e.g. After exploring the old part of town there is a guided tour of the cathedral...

We devote several days to the exploration of the magnificent Maya sites of Copan...
We set out on this voyage of exploration with an open mind.

2. 探讨,研究(观点或建议)
    If you explore an idea or suggestion, you think about it or comment on it in detail, in order to assess it carefully.

    e.g. The secretary is expected to explore ideas for post-war reconstruction of the area...
    e.g. The film explores the relationship between artist and instrument.

I looked forward to the exploration of their theories.

3. 勘探
    If people explore an area for a substance such as oil or minerals, they study the area and do tests on the land to see whether they can find it.

    e.g. Central to the operation is a mile-deep well, dug originally to explore for oil...
    e.g. The government is allowing the areas of inshore coastal waters to be explored for oil and gas.

Oryx is a Dallas-based oil and gas exploration and production concern.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. (用手等)摸索,触碰
    If you explore something with your hands or fingers, you touch it to find out what it feels like.

    e.g. He explored the wound with his finger, trying to establish its extent.

explore 单语例句

1. He visited northwest China by train to explore places of interests and Chinese delicacies on the ancient Silk Road.

2. Canada's proposals offered vague, noncommittal language by which Washington would join only in a " dialogue " to " explore " cooperative action.

3. explore的翻译

3. Only by holding direct talks can the two militaries thaw the ice between them and explore common ground.

4. explore

4. Japanese electronics manufacturer Canon Inc plans to further explore China's office supplies market, with a particular focus on the country growing population of small companies.

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5. Abramoff believes that new ethics regulations introduced on Capitol Hill still leave plenty of loopholes for lobbyists to explore.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Forum is one of the most direct ways to explore the Expo theme and carry forward the spiritual heritage of the Expo.

7. MMG owns licenses to explore and develop 15 oil and natural gas fields in Kazakhstan as well as oil fields in the Caspian region.

8. Chairman Jiang pointed out that we must explore the approach of talent cultivation by the army combined with national education.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. Wen called on entrepreneurs to remain confident in the face of difficulties, encouraging them to explore new markets and raise their companies'adaptability and competitiveness.

10. Changes of this magnitude will require substantial additional finance for adaptation and mitigation, and for strategically intensified research to scale up promising approaches and explore bold new ideas.

explore 英英释义



1. examine (organs) for diagnostic purposes

2. examine minutely

3. inquire into

    e.g. the students had to research the history of the Second World War for their history project
           He searched for information on his relatives on the web
           Scientists are exploring the nature of consciousness

    Synonym: research search

4. travel to or penetrate into

    e.g. explore unknown territory in biology
