
exploit [ɪkˈsplɔɪt]  [ɪkˈsplɔɪt] 






exploit 基本解释

及物动词开拓; 剥削; 开采; 利用(…为自己谋利)

名词功绩; 功劳; 勋绩

exploit 相关例句


1. We should exploit our rich resources to expand the economy.

2. They are exploiting the oil under the sea.

3. He is accused of exploiting child labor.


1. Their heroic exploits will go down in history.

2. He performed many daring exploits.

exploit 词典解释
The verb is pronounced /ɪk'splɔɪt/. The noun is pronounced /'eksplɔɪt/. 动词读作 /ɪk'splɔɪt/。名词读作 /'eksplɔɪt/。

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 压榨;剥削;占…的便宜
    If you say that someone is exploiting you, you think that they are treating you unfairly by using your work or ideas and giving you very little in return.

    e.g. Critics claim he exploited black musicians for personal gain.
    e.g. ...the plight of the exploited sugar cane workers.

Extra payments should be made to protect the interests of the staff and prevent exploitation.

2. 利用;乘(机)
    If you say that someone is exploiting a situation, you disapprove of them because they are using it to gain an advantage for themselves, rather than trying to help other people or do what is right.

    e.g. The government and its opponents compete to exploit the troubles to their advantage.

...the exploitation of the famine by local politicians.

3. 充分运用;发挥
    If you exploit something, you use it well, and achieve something or gain an advantage from it.

    e.g. You'll need a good aerial to exploit the radio's performance...
    e.g. Cary is hoping to exploit new opportunities in Europe...

4. 开采;开发;利用
    To exploit resources or raw materials means to develop them and use them for industry or commercial activities.

    e.g. I think we're being very short sighted in not exploiting our own coal.

...the planned exploitation of its potential oil and natural gas reserves.

5. exploit的近义词

5. 英勇行为;功绩;有趣的行为
    If you refer to someone's exploits, you mean the brave, interesting, or amusing things that they have done.

    e.g. His wartime exploits were later made into a film.

exploit 单语例句

1. exploit的解释

1. We act in strict compliance with the authorization, and exploit digital copies of the works in a reasonable and legal manner.

2. exploit

2. " The policy is designed to activate more real estate deals and exploit the market's potential, " said Qin.

3. Its milestone document on " harmonious society " has a specific line calling to " exploit the positive functions of religions in promoting social harmony ".

4. Experts say developing Xinjiang's rail capacity will make it easier to exploit its massive stores of energy resources.

5. It also rejected incitement calls made by some outlawed groups and other popular parties seeking to exploit youths to serve their " chaos agendas ".

6. They believe the DPP administration will exploit the bill to achieve their primary aim of separating the island province from China.

7. exploit什么意思

7. It seems people have used professionalism more to exploit the commercial value of soccer and less to raise the level of the game.

8. The economic globalization has favored multinational firms that are well positioned to exploit comparative advantages of different regions around the world.

9. exploit什么意思

9. They use the power and speed of the computer to exploit very small differences in price.

10. Conservative critics said the deal allowed one of the world's richest cities to exploit a lesser developed country and handed a propaganda coup to Chavez.

exploit 英英释义


1. a notable achievement

    e.g. he performed a great feat
           the book was her finest effort

    Synonym: feat effort


1. use or manipulate to one's advantage

    e.g. He exploit the new taxation system
           She knows how to work the system
           he works his parents for sympathy

    Synonym: work

2. exploit

2. draw from
    make good use of

    e.g. we must exploit the resources we are given wisely

    Synonym: tap

3. work excessively hard

    e.g. he is exploiting the students

    Synonym: overwork
