1. 虚词:explanatory a.解释(性)的 | expletive 虚词 | explicitly ad.明显地,显式地
2. 填补物;附加物;补足的;附加的;多余的:explement 辅角 | expletive 填补物;附加物;补足的;附加的;多余的 | explicit adderss 显地址
3. 填补的:explantation 生物活组织培养 | expletive 填补的 | explicate 引伸
4. 感叹词,咒骂语:reserved words 保留字 | expletive 感叹词,咒骂语 | naming scheme 命名机制
1. 脏字;咒骂语
An expletive is a rude word or expression such as 'Damn!' which you say when you are annoyed, excited, or in pain.
1. Some reporters objected to Williams'use of an expletive when referring to Taiwan.
2. He blurted out an expletive when the network standards supervisor introduced himself.
3. He used an expletive in his acceptance speech that was bleeped on the telecast.