








experiences 基本解释
经验;经历( experience的名词复数 );亲身经历;传统;
experiences 网络解释


1. 经验:在原始场所,个人之间基於同情,或彼此相爱相惜,因而得以排除自我与他人之间的障碍,彼此交互表露其感觉(feelings)、情绪(emotions)、经验(experiences)与心态(mentalmodels).

2. 经历/经验:personalities 个性 | experiences 经历/经验 | abilities 能力

experiences 单语例句

1. He suggested that other companies can learn experiences from the champions on how to improve their competitiveness by combining social value into their business operations.

2. experiences的意思

2. Beijing and Washington should have accumulated by now some experiences in crisis management.

3. Coming from humble roots and struggling to succeed by one's own efforts are common experiences for China's new order of philanthropists.

4. Liang Xiaoyan of the Beijing Brooks Education Centre suggested ACEF collect influential cases by NGOs and share successful experiences after the survey is finished.

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5. " The experiences show that we have done a good job in dealing with these challenges, " he said.

6. Astronauts also gave high praise to the domestically developed spacecraft and rocket carrier, and look forward to sharing experiences with astronauts from other countries in the future.

7. It suggested an international expert team be set up to carry out such exercises to ensure fighting experiences can be shared among countries.

8. And based on China's actual conditions, we may learn from these experiences in bid to develop our education.

9. Data and operational experiences gathered will enable the product to better cater for the needs of specific markets.

10. danci.911chaxun.com

10. The supernatural thriller centered on a family that moves to a new state and experiences spooky events in their home.
