
expectation [ˌekspekˈteɪʃn]  [ˌɛkspɛkˈteʃən] 



expectation 基本解释

名词预期; 期待; 前程; [数]期望值

expectation 相关词组


1. in expectation of : 期望;

expectation 相关例句


1. The dog wagged its tail in expectation of a bone.

2. The reward fell short of our expectations.

expectation 网络解释


1. 期望值:模拟对象有助于保持设计的松散耦合(针对接口为中心,消除依赖对象内部实现检查代码使用另一个对象是否得当(可以在模拟对象中设定期望值(expectation)由内而外利用TDD(通过在模拟对象忠设定返回值,可以为正在开发的代码提供特定的信息

expectation 词典解释

1. expectation什么意思

1. 期待;期望;预期
    Your expectations are your strong hopes or beliefs that something will happen or that you will get something that you want.

    e.g. Students' expectations were as varied as their expertise...
    e.g. The car has been General Motors' most visible success story, with sales far exceeding expectations...

2. 期望;希望
    A person's expectations are strong beliefs which they have about the proper way someone should behave or something should happen.

    e.g. Stephen Chase had determined to live up to the expectations of the Company.
    e.g. ...the expectation that the grieving process should have a time limit on it.

expectation 单语例句

1. And, what is your expectation of the group's business this year?

2. Westerners interested primarily in acting work face all sorts of special challenges, not least of which is the expectation of fluent Mandarin.

3. China on Thursday called for an early return of talks on Iran's nuclear program, amid the expectation for negotiations on Iran's latest package of proposals.

4. This signal is enough to direct the market expectation though it will not freeze a large amount of capital.

5. expectation在线翻译

5. If there is any reversal of that expectation, a huge capital outflow will threaten China's financial security.

6. Investors finally started to buy more actively yesterday on expectation of a fresh policy boost, thus igniting a rare rally of the benchmark Shanghai composite index.

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7. That sparked feverish expectation that has raised fears of political tensions and possible violence in the volatile Caribbean country.

8. Yet the actual performance of government institutions and officials still falls short of public expectation and stipulations in documents.

9. expectation的反义词

9. Streets were deserted around the Catholic Short Strand enclave road on Wednesday with many windows boarded up in expectation of a third night of rioting.

10. expectation在线翻译

10. The central bank said the move is aimed to " control money supply and credit, and stabilize inflation expectation ".

expectation 英英释义


1. belief about (or mental picture of) the future

    Synonym: outlook prospect

2. the sum of the values of a random variable divided by the number of values

    Synonym: arithmetic mean first moment expected value

3. the feeling that something is about to happen

4. anticipating with confidence of fulfillment

    Synonym: anticipation
