


expats 基本解释
亡命国外者( expat的名词复数 );
expats 网络解释

1. 第十一版:第十版 kaleidoscope | 第十一版 expats | 第十二版 sport

2. 外国:Mentor 益友 | Expats 外国 | Abore 爱慕

expats 单语例句

1. Tianjin expats are a busy lot in one of China's largest cities and hold a variety of events to entertain themselves.

2. Beijingers and expats are buying up properties this month before the possible end of a citywide stimulus housing policy.

3. Some expats are cashing in on Beijing's property boom and believe there are bargains to be had despite price rises.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. Never would he know that just about a century later, his own residence would become a place welcoming expats from around the world.

5. Although the price tag may be several times higher than a landlord would spend, for expats who've tried similar products in their home countries they are cheap.

6. If it seems early to Beijingers to already be thinking about Christmas, it's not too early for new expats arriving every year in the capital city.

7. expats的反义词

7. The Veggie Table's clientele are a mixture of men and women, and are made up of expats and foreign tourists along with local Chinese.

8. expats在线翻译

8. Some foreign expats said the club made them feel as if they were in London, or New York.

9. English teaching is the most common form of employment for many expats, and the contract is pretty standard.

10. expats在线翻译

10. It is becoming increasingly common for Shanghai expats to give birth in the city, rather than return to their own country.
