
expansive [ɪkˈspænsɪv]  [ɪkˈspænsɪv] 

expansive 基本解释

形容词易扩张的,膨胀性的; 胸襟开阔的,豁达的; 辽阔的; 健谈的

expansive 相关例句


1. Today Sarah became jovial and expansive.

expansive 网络解释

1. 易膨胀的:expansionist 扩张主义者 | expansive 易膨胀的 | expansively 可扩张地

2. 易扩张的:18. expensive 昂贵的 | expansive 易扩张的 | extensive 广阔的

3. 广阔的,豪爽的,豪华的:Pedantic 书生气的,学究气的 | Expansive 广阔的,豪爽的,豪华的 | Aluminous 明矾的,铝的

4. 易膨胀的,易扩张的:Metals expand with heat. 金属遇热就要膨胀. | expansive 易膨胀的,易扩张的 | an expansive land 一块不断扩大的土地

expansive 词典解释

1. 广袤的;辽阔的;全面的
    If something is expansive, it covers or includes a large area or many things.

    e.g. ...an expansive grassy play area...
    e.g. They have played an expansive style of rugby.

2. 豪爽的;开朗的;健谈的
    If you are expansive, you talk a lot, or are friendly or generous, because you are feeling happy and relaxed.

    e.g. He was becoming more expansive as he relaxed...
    e.g. The premier was in expansive mood.

'I'm here to make them feel good,' he says expansively.

3. 扩张的;发展的
    If you describe something such as a period of time or an economy as expansive, you mean that it is associated with growth or expansion.

    e.g. An active and expansive market economy is a necessary condition for progress.

expansive 单语例句

1. Judging by the scale and design of his property, one has the impression that he was a tremendously wealthy man with expansive taste.

2. This town was our last real look at civilization and modern amenities, as we prepared to enter the region's expansive steppes and rolling mountain ranges.

3. expansive

3. Predatory and expansive growth based on colonialism and the exploitation of other countries has long gone.

4. From the cool cats sitting up front to the suited diplomat types behind, her strong vocals and expansive style had the room captivated.

5. Floyd's impressive list of credits includes staging an expansive list of shows for top artists ranging from the Counting Crows to Steely Dan.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. The quantitative easing monetary policy adopted by the Federal Reserve doesn't mean an expansive credit policy.

7. The government is evaluating the economic feasibility of the project, which is believed much more expansive than the Russian crude plan.

8. That football is the way we want to play, open and expansive.

9. The global financial crisis has prompted the US to adopt an expansive budget and a loose financial policy to check the economy from receding further.

10. It would be a shameful waste if the expansive network does not give full play to its service potential when there are strong demands unmet.

expansive 英英释义


1. friendly and open and willing to talk

    e.g. wine made the guest expansive

    Synonym: talkative

2. marked by exaggerated feelings of euphoria and delusions of grandeur

3. able or tending to expand or characterized by expansion

    e.g. Expansive materials
           the expansive force of fire

4. of behavior that is impressive and ambitious in scale or scope

    e.g. an expansive lifestyle
           in the grand manner
           collecting on a grand scale
           heroic undertakings

    Synonym: grand heroic
