

exhalations 双语例句

1. Exhalations arise from earth as well as from sea; those from sea are bright and pure, those from earth dark.


2. The Sun that light imparts to all, receives From all his alimental recompence In humid exhalations, and at Even [425] Sups with the Ocean: though in Heav'n the Trees Of life ambrosial frutage bear, and vines Yield Nectar, though from off the boughs each Morn We brush mellifluous Dewes, and find the ground Cover'd with pearly grain: yet God hath here [430] Varied his bounty so with new delights, As may compare with Heaven; and to taste Think not I shall be nice.


3. From there, start alternating inhalations and exhalations: As you breathe in, he breathes out.


4. Exhalations within a bodily organ, especially the stomach, supposed to affect the mental or physical condition.

5. He says, however, that there are in it bowls with their concavities turned toward us, in which the bright exhalations collect and produce flames.

6. With steady awareness of our inhalations and exhalations, the breath can become an equations constant through the ups and downs of our daily life. By resting with and perhaps even enjoying the cycles of breathing, we are less likely to be caught up in the emotional and mental events that pass through us. Repeatedly returning to the breath can be a highly effective training in letting go of patterns of identification and holding that freeze the mind and heart.

7. There are exhalations and sighs at many points, as when the cocoon of the gypsy moth is taken from the throat of Bills first victim.


8. There are exhalations and sighs at many points, as when the cocoon of the gypsy moth is taken from the throat of Bill's first victim.


9. With steady awareness of our inhalations and exhalations, the breath can become an equanimous constant through the ups and downs of our daily life.

10. On the toilet table the bouquets--roses, lilacs and hyacinths--appeared like a very ruin of flowers. Their perfume was strong and penetrating, while through the dampish air of the place, which was full of the spoiled exhalations of the washstand, came occasional whiffs of a more pungent scent, the scent of some grains or dry patchouli ground to fine powder at the bottom of a cup.

11. Ye Mists and Exhalations that now rise [185] From Hill or steaming Lake, duskie or grey, Till the Sun paint your fleecie skirts with Gold, In honour to the Worlds great Author rise, Whether to deck with Clouds th'uncolourd skie, Or wet the thirstie Earth with falling showers, [190] Rising or falling still advance his praise.

12. The ban had the unfortunate effect of pushing smokers just off-site, where their litter and exhalations angered local residents and, in one area, meant that staff were found to be smoking next to a playground.

13. To control a wheelchair, for example, two short sniffs means a forward move, while two short exhalations means reverse.


14. It holds a wide tube that will route my exhalations into plastic bags for analysis.


15. People caused unnatural exhalations of greenhouse gases that had an impact on the world's climate.
