
executable [ɪgˈzekjətəbl] [ˈeksikju:təbl] 

executable 基本解释


形容词可执行; 实行的,执行的

executable 网络解释

1. 可执行的:所以流程定义的形式必须是正规 (Formal) 、严谨 (Precise) 、并且是可执行的 (Executable) . 流程管理 (Management) :怎么知道流程状态?有没有一种像数据库 SQL 一样的流程查询语言?因为这是追踪 (Tracking) 、稽核 (Auditing) 、绩效评量 (Assessment) 等管理工作所涵盖的基础.

2. 实行的:executable file 可执行文件 | executable 实行的 | executancy 执行的人

3. executable:exe; 可执行程序

executable 单语例句

1. An official review of the technical specifics is both perfectly executable and advisable.

2. A legislation mechanism that encourages public participation will make laws more acceptable to citizens, thus making them more easily executable and less controversial.

3. On the other hand, defining of the new layout itself requires more brainwork to be sensible and executable.

4. Users will know their systems are infected if their executable file icons turn into images of pandas with burning joss sticks.

executable 英英释义



1. capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are

    Synonym: feasible practicable viable workable
