1. 远足:在<<远足>>(Excursions)中南美危地马拉的海边:蓝色的大海,风吹过,棕榈叶飘动,没有人,三三两两的白色椅子,蒙蒙的画面,画外音游客的自言自语、种种的发问、不知所云的话语顷刻带你到画面以外的或者是画面中更深的地方.
2. 出游活动:Bar in-house 房间内酒吧 | Excursions 出游活动 | Snorkeling 浮潜
3. 偏差:exclusive of corrosion allowance 不包括腐蚀裕度 | excursions 偏差 | excursions on feedback 反馈信号偏差
4. 偏移:- 分辨率Discrimination | - 偏移Excursions | - 线形Line types
1. Most visitors start their outdoor excursions at Xuanwu Lake, a favorite with both locals and tourists because of its convenient location and picturesque scenery.
2. Extra care is taken to schedule treatment around excursions and the crew also takes care to integrate the patients into the regular crowd.
3. Dating tours - excursions that offer a chance for romance - are growing in popularity among China's legion of unmarried and overworked office employees.
4. excursions
4. By adding more shopping excursions and escorting tourists to expensive stores, travel agencies and guides can earn commission to make up for this loss.
5. Tom's market excursions yielded such a profusion of vegetables that I had to think of a way to eat it all up.
6. The first phase of the project implementation attracted 150 schoolchildren from the regions who embarked on excursions to selected tourist sites across the country.
7. It is possible to make money in the business of arranging outdoor sports excursions.
8. They decided to put off the travel excursions and wait for flight information.
9. His latest excursions included the Water Cube and the Bird's Nest.
10. There are excursions to the whole length of the Valley which usually take two or three days.