1. 胜过:excel 优秀 | excelled 胜过 | excellence 优秀
2. 优胜:a good showing成绩尚佳 | excelled优胜 | raise money募捐
3. 胜过、优于:Inspiration 灵感 | Excelled 胜过、优于 | Recitation 朗诵, 背诵, 叙述, 背诵的东西
4. 胜过/优于/超过:excel /胜过/优越/超越/卓越/擅长/峥/ | excelled /胜过/优于/超过/ | excellence /卓越/优秀/杰出/优点/长处/特点/瑜/
1. The group members have all excelled individually in different musical fields and this has helped them develop a particular musical chemistry.
2. 911查询·英语单词
2. Prada excelled at the new shirt jacket, putting them on her equally pale models over light wool pullovers that looked willfully worn.
3. excelled
3. The king of tabloid journalism is himself fodder for the kind of humiliating exposure that his hacks excelled at.
4. I didn't understand girlie stuff - I excelled at sports instead.
5. They have been very loyal to the original text and excelled in using expressions close to idiomatic teenage language.
6. excelled什么意思
6. Ancient masters and scholars have excelled at calligraphy, and bequeathed many precious scripts.
7. Three groups took the lion's share of online votes and excelled in the interview stages.
8. But he had always excelled at mathematics - a subject which would later make him the most renowned scientist in the world.
9. I was familiar with it, because my niece had recently excelled in such a training test.
10. Zhou's rapid rise in officialdom reflects the country's effort to promote young people who have excelled in their career at the grassroots level.