





exacerbated 基本解释
使恶化,使加重( exacerbate的过去式和过去分词 );
exacerbated 网络解释

1. 恶化:evoked potential 诱发电位 | exacerbated 恶化 | excitation membrane 兴奋膜

2. 恶化的,加剧的:workload 工作量 | exacerbated 恶化的,加剧的 | facilitate leisure 促进休闲

exacerbated 单语例句

1. exacerbated

1. That cash flow problem is being exacerbated by the slump in housing sales because of government measures to clamp down on excessive speculation.

2. Industry observers said the phenomenon is exacerbated in China where there is high GDP growth and a gaping chasm between the rich and the poor.

3. The industry observers said the phenomenon was exacerbated in the Chinese economy where there is high GDP growth and gaping chasm between rich and poor.

4. exacerbated的翻译

4. Tensions have been exacerbated by a recent agreement between Washington and Bogota granting US troops expanded access to Colombian military bases.

5. This has been exacerbated by the fact that successful auctions require participants with the requisite professionalism to deal with the complexity of the patents themselves.

6. exacerbated

6. Travelers still faced problems at Britain's main airports, where flight delays and cancellations exacerbated confusion over shifting rules on hand luggage.

7. The situation is exacerbated by a weakening market demand due to a slowing global economy, rising inflation and natural disasters such as the recent earthquake.

8. Their disparate styles and methods have exacerbated the original dilemma to maroon the national team on a sea of failure.

9. This figure exacerbated the public's worries and discontentment, even though the government has moved recently to cool the overheated property market.

10. The North American FTA exacerbated social problems in Mexico, while the EU exposed the disequilibrium in European investment.
