1. 可避免的:evisceration 去脏术 | evitable 可避免的 | evite 避开
2. 可以避免的:eternal永恒的,无休止的 | evitable 可以避免的 | excessive 过分的,过度的
3. 可预测的:You'd better walk on this fucking line.|你最好按照规矩做事 | ...evitable.|可预测的 | You, hey, put the snifter out there that if the BBC ambushes a minister|喂,你,放个酒杯在那 防止BBC暗地里搞署长
4. 可以避免:eviscerate 凸出 | eviscerateeviscerationpaunchviscerate 取出内脏 | evitable 可以避免
1. evitable
1. Liu said even though they have always had the fixed working hours, extra shifts are evitable in heavy snow.