everybody knows

everybody knows

everybody knows 单语例句

1. " Everybody knows here that you've got the best manager in the world at this club, " he told the crowd to rapturous applause.

2. China knows everybody is suffering and that protectionism foolishly prolonged the last Great Depression.

3. It appears that not everybody knows the difference between the two containers.

4. A club has its name and everybody knows that one day it will come back.

5. Everybody knows why - the domestic dairy industry has done nasty things and ruined its own reputation.

6. Everybody knows exercise is key to a good ticker and a more sleek physique.

7. Everybody knows China is a huge potential market and you should compete fast and aggressively to win in the market.

8. Everybody knows where we are - in the midst of the most unsettling global crisis New China has ever seen.

9. I think everybody who knows me knows that I enjoy life and I enjoy kneeling people.

10. " Everybody knows that relationships work when each side complements the other, " he said.
