
eventual [ɪˈventʃuəl]  [ɪˈvɛntʃuəl] 

eventual 基本解释

形容词(事件)最终发生的,结果的; 可能的; 终于的

eventual 相关例句


1. The eventual decision came after weeks of deliberation.

eventual 网络解释

1. 最后的:event 结果,发生的事,事件 | eventual 最后的 | evict 逐出

2. 可能的:events 事件 | eventual 可能的 | eventuality 不测的事

3. 最后的,最终的:stage (发展)阶段,舞台 | 84. eventual 最后的,最终的 | imminent 临近的,即将发生的

4. 最后的,结局的:casual 偶然的;随便的 | eventual 最后的,结局的 | virtual almost what is stated 实质上的

eventual 词典解释

1. 最后发生的;最终的
    You use eventual to indicate that something happens or is the case at the end of a process or period of time.

    e.g. There are many who believe that civil war will be the eventual outcome of the racial tension in the country...
    e.g. The eventual aim is reunification.

eventual 单语例句

1. eventual的翻译

1. " China's eventual course of action holds huge implications for the international market, " says senior telecoms analyst David Chamberlain.

2. But it's enough time to discern the path Obama has chosen, the overarching philosophy that will shape his administration and history's eventual judgment of it.

3. CIA interrogators taking on Saddam Hussein must contend with the likelihood that some of their questioning could become public during his eventual trial.

4. eventual的翻译

4. She suggested that China and ASEAN should work toward the eventual adoption of a COC in a gradual way.

5. Hong said the two sides will create conditions for negotiation and consensus to reach an eventual code of conduct.

6. The two sides expressed commitment to working towards the eventual adoption of a code of conduct in the South China Sea.

7. Such a prudent approach to assess and adjust the stimulus package is crucial to China's eventual success in weathering the global financial and economic turmoil.

8. Political parties complain that a military ban on their activities prevents them contributing to the constitution or preparing for eventual elections.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. The United States views the housing expansion as a deliberate complication to an eventual peace deal.

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10. Many apparel watchers predict the eventual demise of the skinny that has spurred both adoration and revulsion.
