
evensong [ˈi:vnsɒŋ]  [ˈi:vnsɔ:ŋ] 

evensong 基本解释


evensong 网络解释

1. 晚祷:公祷书力求简化,全日祷告由初时8次减至2次(早、晚祷),为避免迷信成份,更将罗马天主教的礼仪如圣物抹油,圣水等废除. 每日的早祷(Matins)及晚祷(Evensong)有十分清楚的程序与指引,说明敬拜是有时的,恒常的,有实际内容的,具体的.

2. 晚课:15 Silent Wings 寂静的风 | 16 Evensong 晚课 | 17 Celebration 庆祝

3. 晚祷 专辑 新世纪的晨曦:10 Aria 咏叹调 专辑 新世纪的晨曦 | 11 Evensong 晚祷 专辑 新世纪的晨曦 | 12 Moongate 月亮门 专辑 新世纪的晨曦

evensong 双语例句

1. In the Anglican Church evening prayer and evensong mean the same thing, referring to the evening service which is said or sung daily throughout the year.


2. When evensong comes, you always sit next to a crowd of girls, far from me


3. The praying of the Angelus was associated with the offices of Morning Prayer and Evensong, which were chanted in the monasteries and cathedrals at those times.
    在祈祷的钟相关的办公室今天上午祈祷和evensong ,其中高喊著,在寺庙和大教堂,在那个时候的。


4. The guy you see walking a dog on Sunday morning could be planning to go to evensong.

5. We attended evensong as well as morning service.

6. The clue lay in George Herbert's poem The Windows which was sung as an anthem at evensong.

7. Choral evensong still wafts across the ether.

8. After the short drive from Chawton, I arrived in Winchester in time to have a look around the cathedral before evensong began at 5:30.

9. This is the call of the semantron, a wooden beam struck with a mallet, and a sign that monks should assemble for evensong.

evensong 词典解释

1. (英国圣公会的)晚祷
    Evensong is the evening service in the Anglican Church.

evensong 英英释义



1. evensong的意思

1. (Anglican Church) a daily evening service with prayers prescribed in the Book of Common Prayer

    Synonym: Evening Prayer

2. the sixth of the seven canonical hours of the divine office
    early evening
    now often made a public service on Sundays

    Synonym: vespers
