
evading [ɪ'veɪdɪŋ]  [ɪ'veɪdɪŋ] 







evading 基本解释


动词回避; 避开; 逃避( evade的现在分词 ); 想不出

evading 网络解释


1. 避免:evadetaxes 偷税 偷税漏税 | evading 避免 | evagination 外突 翻出

2. 回避:encouragement 鼓励 | evading 回避 | excited兴奋

3. 规避:偷税:Evading Tax | 规避:evading | 反规避:Anti-evading

evading 单语例句

1. A man wanted for stealing cell phones two years ago decided to surrender to police after he recently got tired of evading jail.

2. evading的翻译

2. Drivers can no longer circumvent the system by avoiding receiving summonses, and thereby evading the disqualification order by not appearing in court.

3. evading在线翻译

3. Finding new flu drugs is essential as flu viruses mutate and are adept at evading the limited antiviral drugs.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. " Any criminal suspects fleeing abroad and evading punishment will not succeed, " Wu told reporters.

5. Parallel trading not only creates a headache for Hong Kong residents, it hurts state interests by evading Customs duties.

6. The problem is criminals who fail to flee the country could face death penalty and those who do will succeed in evading the law.

7. The intention is to earn money illegally by evading payment of different types of taxes.

8. State media in Myanmar yesterday accused opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi of evading taxes.

9. China argued that the higher tariffs were needed to prevent automakers from evading steep vehicle import duties by importing cars in large chunks.

10. But he stopped short of suggesting the Chinese were evading drug testers by not sending them to the world championships.
