
euphoria [ju:ˈfɔ:riə]  [juˈfɔriə, -ˈfor-] 

euphoria 基本解释

名词欣快; 精神欢快; 幸福感

euphoria 网络解释

1. 欣快感:依赖(dependence)与成瘾(addiction):欣快感(euphoria)与渴求感(craving):渴求感是对使用过的成瘾性物质的一种不可抗拒的强烈用药欲望,可被与既往用药有关的环境因素(如吸毒朋友、用具或地点等)所诱发,往往伴有觅药或用药行为.

2. 欣快症:{2}、欣快症:(euphoria)器质性的脑病的精神障碍. 如脑动脉硬化,老年痴呆,麻痹性痴呆. 常伴智能障碍. 以愚蠢和呆傻的感觉. 还有一种成为诙谐性欣快症:指加有轻度兴奋和调皮. 抑郁:(depression)外行人与专业人士理解不同.

3. 愉悦:汽车工业的繁荣连带造福了其它产业<考题>,如钢铁业....,并让郊区的新居民经历了urban house boom的现象<考题>胡佛.经济大萧条.罗斯福,1929年美国经济大萧条后,尽管当时的胡佛总统不断喊话,但20年代的繁荣和愉悦(euphoria)却始终没有回到美国

euphoria 词典解释

1. 狂喜;兴高采烈
    Euphoria is a feeling of intense happiness and excitement.

    e.g. There was euphoria after the elections...
    e.g. After the euphoria of yesterday's celebrations, the country will come down to earth today.

euphoria 单语例句

1. These evolving demographics bring with them a complication for India, usually overlooked in the euphoria over the demographic dividend.

2. euphoria

2. Management has put on a collective facade of endurance, replacing its erstwhile flamboyance and euphoria.

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3. " It's a trick, " he said about the initial euphoria.

4. euphoria

4. China's stocks ended mixed on Monday as an initial euphoria turned to skepticism over new trading measures announced overnight to help stabilize the market.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. Juergen Klinsmann's team's performances silenced widespread doubts at home about its chances and gave way to a sense of euphoria after each win.

6. euphoria

6. Amid the euphoria of the Tories'success last week, the doubters believe Johnson's victory provides a springboard to the next election.

7. When you put aside the euphoria of that growth then you can see some of the social consequences that are inextricably tied to it.

8. euphoria的翻译

8. Fears over spiralling costs have soured the euphoria that gripped the British capital when it was awarded the Olympics.

9. euphoria的反义词

9. While the euphoria over the stupendous achievements has died down, the Asian Games may prove to be a reality check.

10. The gloom pervading recent media reports on Russia is a correction of the former euphoria.

euphoria 英英释义



1. a feeling of great (usually exaggerated) elation

    Synonym: euphory
