

eschaton 双语例句


1. Theologians of hope have made eschaton their conceptual center.

2. In this work we find an understanding of all reality in terms of the eschaton, the Christ event as the beginning, proleptically, of that future, and of the concept of God as the God of the future.
    在这项工作中,我们找到一个理解现实的所有方面的eschaton ,基督事件为开端,proleptically ,在未来,以及概念的上帝作为上帝的未来。

3. The eschaton is not an embarrassment; rather, it gives Christianity both personal and universal significance in a world that thinks, plans, and dreams in terms of future fears, hopes, and schemes.


4. It's like for Paul the blessings of the eschaton, the eschatology, is still horizontal.

eschaton 英英释义


1. (New Testament) day at the end of time following Armageddon when God will decree the fates of all individual humans according to the good and evil of their earthly lives

    Synonym: Judgment Day Judgement Day Day of Judgment Day of Judgement Doomsday Last Judgment Last Judgement Last Day day of reckoning doomsday crack of doom end of the world
