1. 放泄阀:放气阀;排气阀 air evacuation valve | 放泄阀 escape valve | 分置阀室式活塞泵 separate valve box type piston pump
2. 安全线:Error 错误 | Escape valve 安全线 | Evaporate 蒸发、冷化
3. 安全阀:escape trace 逃逸迹 | escape valve 安全阀 | escape 逃逸;放出管;应急出口;换码;排出
4. 安全阀,排泄阀:安全阀 safety valve | 安全阀,排泄阀 escape valve | 安全阀设定 safety valve setting
1. They have all the pressures but no " valve " to escape from this pressure.
escape valve的翻译
1. a valve in a container in which pressure can build up (as a steam boiler)
it opens automatically when the pressure reaches a dangerous level
Synonym: safety valve relief valve escape cock escape