1. 免除的:ESCAP 亚太经社会 | escapable 免除的 | escapade 出轨行为
2. 避开注意:escallopscollop 海扇贝 | escapable 避开注意 | escapade 异常出轨的行为
3. 可以避免 (形):escallop 海扇贝或其贝壳; 浅锅 (名) | escapable 可以避免 (形) | escapade 异常出轨的行为 (名)
4. 逃/免除/避开注意:escaloside /七叶树糖甙/ | escapable /逃/免除/避开注意/ | escapade /异常出轨的行为/
1. Chinese within China hold genuine patriotism, for China is their non-escapable home, which, to a great extent, takes the charge of their happiness; they have no other choice but wish her good, even though they may, somethimes, complain or even vituperate a lot.
2. I'm going to place him in an easily escapable situation...
3. And, whether it is escapable (What means of correction are available to the self-deceiver? ).
4. The way we deliver education is somehow improper at best, and way incorrect at worst, which is not escapable.
5. So being busy will not be escapable. I can not help thinking of that words, to keep busy is a good thing......
6. There is an in escapable tension faced by all governments in reconcil in g their commitment to pr in ciples and the in terests of the state.