
eradication [ɪˌrædɪ'keɪʃn]  [ɪˌrædɪ'keɪʃn] 

eradication 基本解释


eradication 网络解释


1. 根除:此外,根除(eradication)这个字要很小心使用,目前为止,天花病毒是唯一在地球上被根除的病毒

2. 连根拔除:eradicated 画着根的 | eradication 连根拔除 | eradicative 根除的

3. 根除;扑灭:eradiate 放射 | eradication 根除;扑灭 | erasability 可擦度

4. 根除; 消灭:equivalentofP-3同P-3级 | eradication根除消灭 | eradicationandsubstitutionofillicitcrops消灭和取代非法作物

eradication 单语例句

1. His call for " true autonomy " is tantamount to an eradication of Chinese sovereignty over Tibet.

2. Fearing that the birds would get wiped out, the authorities returned to the island in 1985 to launch a cat eradication programme.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. The US $ 90 million is part of US $ 750 million earmarked by the US administration for the Andean nation under a regional coca eradication program.

4. eradication

4. Global cooperation on corruption eradication would strengthen the country's efforts in combating corrupt practices among its institutions.

5. The cost of using Hof's service is about the same as the old eradication program, he says.

6. Bono added that Western nations need to keep their pledges of debt relief, malaria eradication and education for African nations.

7. A 1998 MPR decree on corruption eradication explicitly requiring Suharto and his cronies be brought to justice remains in place.

8. The plan advocates the eradication of discrimination toward private institutions and local governments have been advised to financially support privately run colleges.

9. He was speaking at the Poverty Eradication Awards ceremony held at Beijing's Great Hall of the People.

10. Underdeveloped countries should make poverty eradication through development a central task, and developed countries should provide enabling conditions for the development of underdeveloped countries.

eradication 英英释义


1. the complete destruction of every trace of something

    Synonym: obliteration
