名词后记; 收场白; (文艺作品的)尾声; (戏剧等的)收场诗
1. 收场白:在黑格尔派的马克思那里,则引出了一个经济学假设,在马尔萨斯派的达尔文那里,引出了一个生物学的假设,两者都巧妙地改变了西方大都市的世界观;在黑贝尔的<<朱迪丝>>(Judith)和易卜生的<<收场白>>(Epilogue)中,又产生了一系列
2. 结语:另外8个科目是:绪论(Prologue),器官(A),器官(B),代谢和营养,大脑、意识与行为,感染、炎症和免疫,癌症(cancer: bench to bedside),生活史和结语(Epilogue).
1. (书的)后记,尾声,跋;(戏剧的)收场白
An epilogue is a passage or speech which is added to the end of a book or play as a conclusion.
1. Jia has tried to " build a monument " for his hometown a settlement named Dihua Street in southeast Shaanxi says the epilogue.
2. Only in his epilogue does he briefly touch larger issues for the future, without delving into policy issues of regulatory reform.
3. The two cases mark the epilogue of a year which witnessed a new wave of actions to bring down corrupt officials from provincial governments.