
epicentre [ˈepɪsentə(r)]  [ˈepɪsentər] 


epicentre 基本解释



epicentre 网络解释


1. 震中:巴东市离新加坡430公里,虽然地震强度不比近几年同区发生的几次地震来得高,但相信震中(epicentre)是最接近新加坡的一次.

2. 震央:地图揭示出大西洋中央的山脊有着奇怪山谷与山脊的水深测绘(bathymetry),[3]中央山谷的地震活动活跃,同时亦是很多地震的震央(epicentre). [4][5]尤因及希森发现此山脊是一个40000公里长的全球连贯的洋中脊系统的一部分.

3. 震央;震中:epicdermis表皮 | epicentre震央;震中 | epiphyte附生植物

4. 震源:epicentral 震中的 | epicentre 震源 | epicentreepicentrum 震央

epicentre 词典解释
in AM, use 美国英语用 epicenter

1. 震中
    The epicentre of an earthquake is the place on the earth's surface directly above the point where it starts, and is the place where it is felt most strongly.

    e.g. The earthquake had its epicentre two-hundred kilometres north-east of the capital.

epicentre 单语例句

1. The epicentre was off Great Nicobar island's southern coast, they said.

2. epicentre

2. Aceh was closest to the epicentre of the earthquake and a third of the total number of people who died across the region died there.

3. Some 40 per cent of residential houses in and around the epicentre suffered damage, according to local reports reaching Beijing Thursday.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. It's the epicentre of China's emerging motorist culture, and it has the auto associations to prove it.

5. Some areas near the epicentre could not be contacted for several hours, and communications were slow to recover.

6. There have been few reports from the western side of Sumatra island, facing the epicentre of the powerful quake.

7. This time the epicentre was just 255 kilometres north of Kunming, the provincial capital.

8. Sigg's collection is rooted in the old Fuxin Flour Mill on Moganshan Road in Shanghai, the epicentre of China's contemporary art scene.

9. Sources said the quake's epicentre was just inside Kazakhstan, about 20 kilometres from the border.

10. All but one of the deaths were in Mexico, the epicentre of the outbreak.

epicentre 英英释义



1. the point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake

    Synonym: epicenter
