entrance hall

entrance hall [ˈentrəns hɔ:l]  [ˈɛntrəns hɔl] 

第三人称复数:entrance halls

entrance hall 基本解释
entrance hall 网络解释

entrance hall

1. 门廊:和{吼吼烧(Incendio)} 奖杯室(Trophy Room) 用壁炉旁的毛刷刷一下左边的两个发暗的黄色奖杯(用{温咖颠啦唯啊萨(Wingardium Leviosa)}) 靠近这两个奖杯并分别调查 门廊(Entrance Hall) 在靠近回旋楼梯的一个小房间中有一个拖把,

2. 入口大廳:□ 入口大厅(Entrance Hall) 石墙四周都是熊熊燃烧的火炬. 天花板高得几乎看不到顶,正面是一段豪华的大理石楼梯,直通楼上. □ 大礼堂(Great Hall) 餐厅所在地,神奇美妙、富丽堂皇,也是各种宴会举行的地方. 有四张长桌,分别代表四个学院,

3. 门厅:main entrance 大门 | entrance hall 门厅 | staircase, stairs, stairway 楼梯

4. 门厅,大堂:microwave oven 微波炉 | entrance hall 门厅,大堂 | lobby 大厅,通道

entrance hall 单语例句

1. entrance hall是什么意思

1. The spotlessly clean welcoming entrance hall and the nearby waiting room are reminders of the modern age and feel very welcoming.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Green lasers, flashing lights and silver walls adorn the entrance hall.

3. The entrance hall is decorated with photos, and incorporates sound and lighting to form a display of the Swedish countryside.

4. The museum's entrance hall was immediately engulfed in a thick smoke, and the working area became a battleground.

5. At the entrance of the hall, a huge steel chain model of the Sagrada Familia hangs upside down from the ceiling.

6. A flexible corridor serves as the gangway between the ships and the entrance to the passenger hall.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. Stairs are installed in the main hall, and an indoor skylight is made near the entrance for lighting and ventilation.

8. entrance hall的意思

8. Red scrolls pasted on both sides of the entrance lead visitors into the hall.

9. The main entrance and exit of the pavilion form part of the pavilion hall, which features an enormous atrium with walls and fountains with rich Arabic geometrical latticework.

10. Life for many is now lived in a school hall, with the only water coming from a small military tanker parked outside the entrance.

entrance hall 英英释义


1. a large entrance or reception room or area

    Synonym: anteroom antechamber hall foyer lobby vestibule
