
entering ['entərɪŋ]  ['entərɪŋ] 







entering 基本解释

动词参加; 进入( enter的现在分词 ); 进去; 登记

entering 网络解释


1. 进入:普通的术语由诸如进入(entering)、放火(setting fire)、威胁(threatening)、打击(hitting)、谋杀(killing)、伤害(injuring)等类似的词语组成. 供给某人马铃薯通常意味着把马铃薯带到他的房子里并将马铃薯留在那儿.

2. 插入,记录:Enter 记入,进入,回车 | Entering 插入,记录 | Entry 输入数据,进入

3. 入射:enrichment 浓缩 | entering 入射 | enthalpy 焓

4. 进入的:entering port 装货门 | entering 进入的 | enteringport 装货门

entering 单语例句

1. Head of Canada's largest trade and industry organization on Thursday urged the country's business community to lose no time in entering the lucrative Chinese market.

2. entering的意思

2. Both Beijing and Shanghai real estate markets are entering a downward trend, experiencing an unusually poor business season.

3. The farmers in the subtropical region are entering the busy farming season in January.

4. Materials are examined by specialists before entering the warehouse and the first piece is reexamined as a sample before production begins.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. Seoul took the action in 2008 when an ROK tourist was fatally shot after allegedly entering a restricted military area next to the facility.

6. The sailors entered a special cabin that was built to prevent pirates from entering and was stocked with necessities for those living inside.

7. Schools across the country practiced quickly and calmly entering prepared bomb shelters, and remaining inside for 15 minutes.

8. Campus officials have said that the security network recorded Le entering the building by swiping her ID card about 10 am last Tuesday.

9. " Foreign insurers are also quite active in entering the market, " Wu said.

10. Approximately two hours after entering the canyon, a flash flood swept many of the hikers into a waterway.

entering 英英释义


1. the act of entering

    e.g. she made a grand entrance

    Synonym: entrance entry ingress incoming

2. entering

2. a movement into or inward

    Synonym: entrance
