
enroll [ɪn'rəʊl]  [ɛnˈrol] 






enroll 基本解释

动词招收; 注册; 登记; 加入

enroll 相关例句



1. The secretary enrolled our names.

2. They enrolled us as members of the club.

3. Her son was enrolled for military service a couple of years ago.


1. She enrolled in the literature course.

2. All contestants must enroll by Saturday.

enroll 网络解释


1. 报名:这个用Notes开发的入学报名(Enroll)系统,连接到了每个人的桌面,员工可以针对自己的需求在报名系统里观看当年1年的课程,然后选择自己需求的课程,这个信息与人力资源部的系统相连,人力资源部会将你的请求通过网络传到你的直接经理的电脑里,

2. 录取:2004年1月-2006年3月:新西兰国际太平洋学院IPC行政策划助理(Administrativeassistant)职责描述:负责学院留学生录取(enroll)咨询等工作(2005年毕业后获当地工签所以该工作转为全职工作).

3. 注册:Enroll: 由於在刚开学的时候...大家都还没有学生证...所以第一件事情就是拿到自己的学生证跟确定自己的科系及该有的MODULE; 学校会要求新生上网注册(ENROLL)当完成ENROLL的手续之后...若没有意外的话...会在几个星期后收到自

4. (招收):该校是一所国际学校,招收(enroll)各国学生,特别欢迎来自中国的学生. 本次来访,主要想了解中国中学生英语学习情况及有关课程的开设情况.

enroll 单语例句

1. BIFT has a fashion modeling and communication department, in which more than 400 people compete to enroll every year.

2. The woman was expected to move to Georgia later this year and was ordered by the judge to enroll in a community service program there.

3. The mother felt it was a highly competitive situation for children to enroll in a favorite primary school at the discretionary places admission stage.

4. Eligible Hong Kong residents can enroll for the service at the Enrolment Office specially set up at the Exterior Harbour Control Point.

5. Her mother was the dreamer, encouraging her daughter to enroll at the American Academy for Dramatic Arts.

6. The UK's Edinburgh University is planning to enroll thousands of students this month on a course to learn how to search for aliens.

7. Wie was accepted to Stanford University Tuesday and will enroll in the fall.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. China's kung fu schools usually enroll young kids and adolescents from the countryside, providing them education with a focus on martial arts training.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. Men with higher educations can now enroll if they are 22 years old or younger and 17 year old women can also now volunteer.

10. Tian revealed that he had shifted his career path from sports to business and would enroll in Tsinghua University for post - graduate study this September.

enroll 英英释义



1. register formally as a participant or member

    e.g. The party recruited many new members

    Synonym: inscribe enter enrol recruit
