
enlargement [ɪnˈlɑ:dʒmənt]  [ɪnˈlɑ:rdʒmənt] 


enlargement 基本解释

名词放大; 放大物; 放大的照片

enlargement 相关例句



1. Mother wrote to her son for an enlargement of his baby's photograph.

2. I'm sending mother an enlargement of the baby's photo.

enlargement 网络解释

1. 扩大:是一位主管的责任,但是部属自己也必须要愿意来自我投资,这当然包含了自己的时间与成本,而学习与成长除了上课之外,最重要的是能把所学到的运用到工作上,而且去丰富(Enrichment)与扩大(Enlargement)自己的能力,来创造更高的附加价值,

2. 放大;扩大:628 、 拋光机 buffing machine | 629 、 放大;扩大 enlargement | 630 、 放大尺 pantograph

3. 放大:endoscopic photography 内窥摄影 | enlargement 放大 | enlarger 放大机

4. 扩大,放大:enlarge forceps 扩大钳 | enlargement 扩大,放大 | enlarge needle 扩大针

enlargement 词典解释

1. 放大;扩大
    The enlargement of something is the process or result of making it bigger.

    e.g. There is insufficient space for enlargement of the buildings.
    e.g. ...the Community's enlargement.

2. 扩印的照片;放大的照片
    An enlargement is a photograph that has been made bigger.

enlargement 单语例句

1. enlargement

1. Netizens have already come up with a parody in which Zhang Yimou is cast as the principal for a breast enlargement school.

2. enlargement的解释

2. Supporters of enlargement say call this a historic chance to unite Europe.

3. The most serious form of the disease can cause internal bleeding, liver enlargement and circulatory shut down.

4. Admittedly the enrollment enlargement campaign has contributed somewhat to popularizing higher education in China.

5. " Jobs could be taken away, " she says about enlargement.

6. It praised the successful introduction of the euro and the forthcoming enlargement of the EU from 15 to 27 member states.

7. enlargement的反义词

7. The company was accused of building its fourth enlargement project without having its environmental impact assessment report approved.

8. The deputy secretary took the opportunity to talk about the French when the hearing turned for a moment to the subject of NATO enlargement.

9. An advertisement that said breast enlargement surgery was easy was condemned by British advertising watchdogs yesterday.

10. Friends and family who have had breast enlargement surgery knew nothing about the problem until she advised them.

enlargement 英英释义


1. danci.911cha.com

1. the act of increasing (something) in size or volume or quantity or scope

    Synonym: expansion

2. a photographic print that has been enlarged

    Synonym: blowup magnification

3. a discussion that provides additional information

    Synonym: expansion elaboration

4. the state of being enlarged
