
enigmatic [ˌenɪgˈmætɪk]  [ˌɛnɪɡˈmætɪk] 

enigmatic 基本解释

形容词神秘的; 高深莫测的; 似谜的; 令人困惑的

enigmatic 网络解释


1. 谜一般的:enigma 谜 | enigmatic 谜一般的 | enigmatical 难解的

2. 难以捉摸:They're complicated and...|她们复杂而且... | enigmatic...|难以捉摸... | and usually worth it.|但通常都很值得

3. 莫测高深的,像谜一般的:?for generations世世代代 | ?enigmatic莫测高深的,像谜一般的 | ?interactive exhibition互动式展览

4. 如谜一样的难解:enormous 庞大的 | enigmatic 如谜一样的难解 | hysterical 歇斯底里的

enigmatic 词典解释

1. 神秘的;谜一般的;费解的
    Someone or something that is enigmatic is mysterious and difficult to understand.

    e.g. Haley studied her, an enigmatic smile on his face...
    e.g. She starred in one of Welles's most enigmatic films.

'Corbiere didn't deserve this,' she said enigmatically.
enigmatic 单语例句

1. Despite its enigmatic constitution the middle class still represents a massive goldmine for global companies who are keen to capitalize on their spending power.

2. The enigmatic Frenchman struck in each half after Abdoulaye Faye had put Bolton in front.

3. enigmatic的反义词

3. Muhammad stood impassively as the verdict was read, looking straight ahead with the same enigmatic look he had throughout the trial.

4. NANJING - Chinese scientists have announced that they have identified an enigmatic prehistoric insect, with a research paper published by academic journal " Nature " on Feb 21.

5. enigmatic

5. Now a French inventor claims to have some answers, including the fate of the enigmatic subject's famously missing eyebrows and lashes.

6. With his enigmatic maxim that " one plus one equals one, " Tan describes himself as a " spiritual mathematician " and is known for his creative scoring.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. Gu is widely considered to be the most enigmatic and evasive figure within the contemporary Chinese art scene.

8. But he was unlikely to have ever run into this " living fossil " species, as scientists have dubbed the enigmatic fish.

9. The enigmatic Muhammad reacted with the same flinty look he had through most of the trial.

10. To understand this enigmatic cultural knight in shining armor, you have to see him in the setting he has chosen.

enigmatic 英英释义


1. enigmatic的反义词

1. resembling an oracle in obscurity of thought

    e.g. the oracular sayings of Victorian poets
           so enigmatic that priests might have to clarify it
           an enigmatic smile

    Synonym: oracular

2. not clear to the understanding

    e.g. I didn't grasp the meaning of that enigmatic comment until much later
           prophetic texts so enigmatic that their meaning has been disputed for centuries

    Synonym: enigmatical puzzling
