1. 释放:enfranchise 给予选举权 | enfranchisement 释放 | Eng 英国
2. 选举权的给与:选举前的preelection | 选举权的给与enfranchisement | 选举人chooser
3. 公民权或选举权之授予; 解放 (名):enfranchise 给予自治权, 解放, 给予选举权 (动) | enfranchisement 公民权或选举权之授予; 解放 (名) | engaged in 使从事于; 参加
1. the act of certifying or bestowing a franchise on
Synonym: certification
2. a statutory right or privilege granted to a person or group by a government (especially the rights of citizenship and the right to vote)
Synonym: franchise
3. freedom from political subjugation or servitude