1. When he woke, daylight was shining in between the curtains, and his fair-haired enchantress was gone.
2. The enchantresses taught him how to turn the eggs into palaces, and back again.
1. 女巫:发问者:那么第十一号原型会是身体的经验,代表已经被心/身/灵复合体处理过的催化剂,它被称为媚惑女巫(Enchantress)是因为它制造进一步成长的种子.这样说正确吗?
2. 魅惑魔女:本期大型专题...最热文章: DotA V6.64 中英文版发布下载以及更新日志 沙加开篇语:本周地英雄专题是来自从6.61中大改而脱颖而出地大热:魅惑魔女,就让俺们来看看这期地大型专题 森林地女神: 魅惑魔女(EncHantress) 资料收集:DotA.UUU9.CoM | 沙加 本专题为游久网编辑沙加独家制作、收集、整理,
3. 小鹿:enigma谜团 | enchantress小鹿 | Eul吹风杖
4. 迷人女星:袁和平Yuen Wo-ping | 迷人女星enchantress | 追随者protege
1. 911查询·英语单词
1. (童话故事和传说中的)女巫
In fairy stories and legends, an enchantress is a woman who uses magic to put spells on people and things.
1. a female sorcerer or magician
Synonym: witch
2. a woman who is considered to be dangerously seductive
Synonym: temptress siren Delilah femme fatale