
empower [ɪmˈpaʊə(r)]  [ɛmˈpaʊɚ] 





empower 基本解释


及物动词授权; 准许; 使能够; 使控制局势

empower 相关例句


1. Modern science and technology empower human beings to control natural forces more effectively.

2. Congress is empowered to levy taxes.

3. The new law empowered the police to search private houses.

empower 网络解释

1. 赋予:英美两国的例子均显示,媒体素养教育的意涵从防疫性(inoculation)进展到批判自主性(critical autonomy),其目标从培养个人对媒体讯息的分辨与抵制能力(discriminate and resist)延伸到在媒体环伺生活中的释放(liberate)与赋予(empower)能力,一个具媒体素养的个人,

empower 词典解释

1. 授权;给予…权力
    If someone is empowered to do something, they have the authority or power to do it.

    e.g. The army is now empowered to operate on a shoot-to-kill basis...
    e.g. His position does not empower him to cite our views without consultation.

2. 给予…力量;使有能力(实现…)
    To empower someone means to give them the means to achieve something, for example to become stronger or more successful.

    e.g. Empowering the underprivileged lies in assuring them that education holds the real source of power...
    e.g. What I'm trying to do is to empower people, to give them ways to help them get well.

empower 单语例句

1. If approved it will empower the US Commerce Department to impose taxes on Chinese imports.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. He believes paper publications empower online works because both editions are complementary and form a reciprocal partnership.

3. We created Health Savings Accounts, which empower patients and can reduce the cost of coverage.

4. One trademark lawyer pointed out that on the criminal side, courts empower police officers with the discretion to execute temporary remedies.

5. Analysts say deepening regionalization would empower Asia and Pacific countries at a critical time when the economic recession has yet to end.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. Some attributed the rejection to the current law's failure to empower authorities or social organizations to file lawsuits against those who violate public interests.

7. It would also empower public security officers to collect biological data from foreigners.

8. One of the company's key founding values, it is a belief borne from its efforts to embrace the environment and empower individuals.

9. To do so, policies and practices that empower women are crucial.

10. Chinese jurors have long functioned as figureheads, but the government now hopes to empower jurors in hopes of enhancing its legal network.

empower 英英释义


1. give or delegate power or authority to

    e.g. She authorized her assistant to sign the papers

    Synonym: authorise authorize

2. give qualities or abilities to

    Synonym: endow indue gift invest endue
