
emotionally [ɪ'məʊʃənəlɪ]  [ɪˈmoʃənl:ɪ] 

emotionally 基本解释


emotionally 网络解释


1. 情感:另-方面,克隆人可能在技术上可行(feasible),但在法律和情感(emotionally)上却难以接受. 不过,总有一天会克隆出人的. 把身体细胞重新调整到原始的(pristine)、未发育(undeveloped)状态的能力可能为医生带来好处(undeveloped),

2. 在情绪上:emotionalize 使激动 | emotionally 在情绪上 | emotionless 不露情感的

3. 感情上的:7.emit 放射 | 8.emotionally 感情上的 | 9.exhibit 展出, 陈列

emotionally 单语例句

1. I left feeling emotionally unraveled, morally dejected and incredibly pissed off that people categorically accept this treatment.

2. emotionally的翻译

2. Natalie Portman refused to play an emotionally conflicted nun in new movie'Doubt'because she didn't " understand celibacy ".

3. It's actually surprisingly charming and more emotionally understated than the material would suggest, and a lot of that has to do with Matt Damon's performance.

4. Both were outraged and each has started what promises to be a long, expensive and emotionally draining court battle for more of the children's time.

5. In addition, boys with a left prefrontal cortex larger than the right were less emotionally reactive.

6. emotionally

6. Children don't just need us physically present but emotionally available - willing to listen and pay attention and participate in their daily lives.

7. " It's both physically and emotionally demanding, " Liu said.

8. emotionally的翻译

8. Yao's passionate explosion could be seen as a positive development for a player many have criticized for playing " soft " and emotionally detached.

9. The emotionally distraught man begged people to cut him so that he wouldn't have to resort to robbery to satisfy his empty stomach.

10. Friends and investigators say Penley was bullied and emotionally distraught, and went to school that day expecting to die.

emotionally 英英释义


1. emotionally的反义词

1. with regard to emotions

    e.g. emotionally secure

2. emotionally的反义词

2. in an emotional manner

    e.g. at the funeral he spoke emotionally
