
emigration [ˌemɪ'ɡreɪʃn]  [ˌɛmɪˈɡreʃən] 



emigration 基本解释


名词移居外国,迁移出境; (总称)移民

emigration 反义词


emigration 相关例句


1. Her family moved to Canada at the height of emigration.

2. My parents came to the United States with the latest Jewish emigration from Russia.

emigration 网络解释

1. 迁出:种群增长决定于出生率(natality)、死亡率(mortalyti)、迁入(immigration)和迁出(emigration)等四种因素. 出生率表征种群单位时间内产生新个体的能力,死亡率反映的是单位时间内种群个体的死亡情况. 如是,

2. 游出:3.游出和趋化作用 白细胞通过血管壁进入周围组织的过程称为游出(emigration). 粘附于内皮细胞表面的白细胞沿内皮表面缓慢移动,在内皮细胞连接处伸出伪足,整个白细胞逐渐以阿米巴样运动方式从内皮细胞缝隙游出,到达内皮细胞和基底膜之间,

3. 移民,移居:association, society, union 协会 | emigration 移民,移居 | employer 雇主,老板

emigration 单语例句

1. The growing interest in investment emigration instead illustrates the old adage among China's rich that " nothing is a problem if money can solve it ".

2. But it is too early to conclude that such a shift will lead to enough industrial emigration to paralyze the Chinese manufacturing industry.

3. emigration的近义词

3. Among the topics it looked into were emigration trends in China and how overseas Chinese contribute to the prosperity of their homeland.

4. The emigration of Han people to Tibet can be date back to the Qing Dynasty.

5. emigration什么意思

5. Her emigration was initially exposed by Chaoyang District People's Court, which tried to summon her in September in a lawsuit over an economic dispute.

6. " I just wanted to give up the emigration, " he says.

7. The emigration had triggered some controversy among people online, with many questioning whether her foreign nationality conflicted with her CPPCC membership.

8. China's labour authorities have vowed to toughen up their regulation of organizations responsible for sending Chinese workers abroad and prevent illegal emigration.

9. The law denies " most favored nation " status to those countries that restricted emigration and has been targeted specifically against the Soviet Union.

10. emigration的反义词

10. Tang says he did not give up emigration to win the home and says fate played a big part in the whole episode.

emigration 英英释义


1. emigration

1. migration from a place (especially migration from your native country in order to settle in another)

    Synonym: out-migration expatriation
