
embody [ɪmˈbɒdi]  [ɪmˈbɑ:di] 







embody 基本解释


及物动词表现,象征; 包含,收录; 使具体化; [军]组编

embody 网络解释

1. 体现了:当族类裡有更高百分比的人体现了(embody)他们的〝灵魂意识〞时,其馀的成员就会变得更容易也如此. 2. 一种情感性的(emotional)转变在族类迈向'在一种精力充沛的(energetic)、非物质的层次上更为有效地管理他们的情感中心(心,

2. 具体化:许多学者主张中介的通道(mediated channels),亦即沟通媒介不仅只是承载资料与符号的资讯而已,媒介本身是会具体化(embody)符号的意义并反应出组织的规则,对於特定的关系,也存在著普遍的社会规范,例如收到一封由大公司总裁用手写的信件,

embody 词典解释

1. 表现,体现,代表(思想或品质)
    To embody an idea or quality means to be a symbol or expression of that idea or quality.

    e.g. Jack Kennedy embodied all the hopes of the 1960s...
    e.g. For twenty-nine years, Checkpoint Charlie embodied the Cold War...

2. 包含;包括
    If something is embodied in a particular thing, the second thing contains or consists of the first.

    e.g. The proposal has been embodied in a draft resolution...
    e.g. UK employment law embodies arbitration and conciliation mechanisms for settling industrial disputes.

embody 单语例句

1. The statement noted that the election must strictly follow the Party constitution and embody the principles of democratic centralism.

2. Practically all manufacturing activities and many service industries today are characterized by supply chain production, and nearly all supply chains embody an international dimension.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. The works on display have a certain oriental elegance but also embody childish sentiments.

4. It will also embody the universal value of civil law in equally protecting all the parties involved.

5. embody的反义词

5. The commemoration was planned to embody the mutual respect of two great civilizations, diplomats close to the visit said.

6. The artistic performances and craftsmanship embody the fragmentary history of people of different ethnic groups.

7. To embody the living stagecraft of performance art in a series of static sculptures takes even greater talent and dedication.

8. embody的解释

8. Both the green fox and the heroine embody the desire for forbidden love and an inescapable sense of dislocation.

9. embody在线翻译

9. A rational system of power division system should embody the following characteristics.

10. Adopting the system of people's supervisors and placing procuratorial work under the effective supervision of the people embody the requirements of lawsuit democracy.

embody 英英释义



1. represent, as of a character on stage

    e.g. Derek Jacobi was Hamlet

    Synonym: be personify

2. represent in bodily form

    e.g. He embodies all that is evil wrong with the system
           The painting substantiates the feelings of the artist

    Synonym: incarnate body forth substantiate

3. represent or express something abstract in tangible form

    e.g. This painting embodies the feelings of the Romantic period
