1. 元素:魔法抗力属性 元素(Elemental) 元素抵抗(Elemental Resistance)表现了角色削弱元素攻击伤害的能力,虽然高抗力能够大大降低元素伤害,但它不会让角色对这种伤害完全免疫.
2. 元素生物:(元素生物(Elemental):无生命,毒、致盲和心智魔法免疫. 不可被复活或被治疗. ) 而且因为是火骷髅的缘故,还附加了火免疫的属性. 表面上看起来还是那个攻防只有1和2,生命只有可怜的5点的小杂碎,但是火元素伤害可以让他无视敌人的级别和防御,
3. 自然的:48) elementary 基本的 | elemental 自然的 | 49) healthy 健康的
1. (感情、行为等)单纯的,质朴的,粗犷的
Elemental feelings and types of behaviour are simple, basic, and forceful.
e.g. ...the elemental life they would be living in this new colony.
1. There is no separating these powerful factors that are elemental to our survival.
2. elemental的翻译
2. They convey the power and elemental majesty of horses in a way most people are not likely to have seen before.
3. The 23 poisoned workers were working with fluorescent light bulbs, which contains elemental mercury.