
electrocardiogram [ɪˌlektrəʊˈkɑ:diəʊgræm]  [ɪˌlektroʊˈkɑ:rdioʊgræm] 


electrocardiogram 基本解释


名词心电图; 心电图仪器

electrocardiogram 网络解释


1. 心电图:心电图(electrocardiogram)心脏在一个心动周期中产生的生物电变化,用记录仪在体表一定部位引导记录的图形. 心电图上每一瞬间的电位数值,都是许多心肌细胞电活动的综合效应在体表的反映. 引导电极安放位置和连线方式(称导联方式)不同所记录的心电图在波形上有所不同,

2. 心电图机:心电监护仪 Electro Cardiac Monitor , | 心电图机 Electrocardiogram , | 脑电图机 Electroencephalogram ,

3. 心电图[标]:心肌缺血[医]myocardial ischemia | 心电图[标]electrocardiogram | 迷走神经[医]Vagus nerve

4. 心电图, 名词:electrify 使充电, 给...... 通电, 动词 | electrocardiogram 心电图, 名词 | electrocardiograph 心电图扫描仪 名词

5. (electrocardiogram):ekg; 心电图

electrocardiogram 词典解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 心电图
    If someone has an electrocardiogram, doctors use special equipment to measure the electric currents produced by that person's heart in order to see whether it is working normally.

electrocardiogram 单语例句

1. The exam includes an electrocardiogram, blood pressure check and a vision test.

2. electrocardiogram的意思

2. Bus captains aged 60 or more are also required to undergo an electrocardiogram, said Cheung.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. The checkups included an electrocardiogram, checks of liver and kidney function and blood and urine tests.

electrocardiogram 英英释义


1. a graphical recording of the cardiac cycle produced by an electrocardiograph

    Synonym: cardiogram EKG ECG
