electric stove

electric stove [iˈlektrik stəuv]  [ɪˈlɛktrɪk stov] 

electric stove 基本解释


electric stove 网络解释

1. 电炉:当美国人发明中央空调(central heating)的时候,英国人以对身体有害为由拒绝接受这种新生事物,继续使用壁炉(fireplace)和电炉(electric stove). 3. 大部分英国人具有讲究文明用语和礼貌的好习惯. 英国人总是为别人著想,

2. 电灶:electric stopwatch 电气秒表 | electric stove 电灶 | electric strength 介质强度

3. 电灶,电炉(暖房用):外缘,上缘(铆钉船) sight edge | 电灶,电炉(暖房用) electric stove | 电炉,电灶(厨房用) electric range

4. 电炉,电灶:electric storm || 电暴 | electric stove || 电炉,电灶 | electric stream line || 电流线

electric stove 单语例句

1. electric stove的近义词

1. He also bought a small stove and electric rice cooker, fully prepared to wait for three months in the hospital.
