
elder [ˈeldə(r)]  [ˈɛldɚ] 


elder 基本解释

名词长者; 长辈; 元老; 比…年长的人

形容词年纪较大的; 资格老的; 老练的

elder 同义词



名词older senior

elder 反义词


名词younger junior

elder 相关例句



1. Her elder daughter is in college.

2. Janet is Mary's elder sister.

3. An elder educator is due to lecture at 3 tomorrow afternoon.


1. In some things you must trust to your elders.

2. You are my elder by five years.

3. He is my elder by two years.

elder 网络解释


1. 接骨木:含有超临界莓果复合体(蓝莓, 越橘果实萃取物, 草莓萃取物, 覆盆子萃取物, Acai椰果萃取物, Arnia albuti polia萃取物, 接骨木(Elder)果实萃取物), 还含有优质饮食(Super Food)成分(Noni-Morinda citrifolia萃取物, 番茄萃取物,

2. 长者:⒎对年长者(elder)或资深的人表示特别的尊敬,比直接称呼他们的名字,或表示与他们同等的态度要好得多.

elder 词典解释

1. elder

1. (两者中)年龄较大的,年长的
    The elder of two people is the one who was born first.

    e.g. ...his elder brother.
    e.g. ...the elder of her two daughters.

2. (尤指年纪大很多的)年长者,长辈
    A person's elder is someone who is older than them, especially someone quite a lot older.

    e.g. The young have no respect for their elders.

3. 有威望的长者;元老
    In some societies, an elder is one of the respected older people who have influence and authority.

    e.g. ...tribal elders.

4. (某些基督教会中不担任牧师的)长老
    In some Christian churches, an elder is one of the people who hold a position of responsibility, but not usually a minister.

    e.g. He is now an elder of the village church.

5. 接骨木
    An elder is a bush or small tree which has groups of small white flowers and black berries.

In British English, the adjective elder is usually only used to describe brothers and sisters. ...her elder sister. You use older to talk about the age of other people or things. Elder cannot be followed by than but older can be. I've got a sister who is older than me. Do not confuse elder and elderly. If you describe someone as elderly, you mean that they are old, but this is a slightly more polite word than 'old'. 'The elderly' are elderly people.
英国英语中形容词 elder 通常只用来指哥哥、姐姐,如,her elder sister (她姐姐)。older用于指年龄。elder 后不能接 than,而 older 则可以。例如,I've got a sister who is older than me (我有个姐姐)。不要混淆 elder 和 elderly。elderly意为“年老的”,但比用 old 稍显礼貌一点。the elderly 指老年人。
elder 单语例句

1. Presidents George Bush the elder and Bill Clinton have campaigned together on behalf of communities devastated by Hurricane Katrina.

2. " He has outgrown calf love and falling for the elder sister type, " Tan reasons.

3. Tong's negative mood has been relieved and he has become an active volunteer in the elder center.

4. The newspapers pasted on the wall and ceiling were his first teachers, until his elder sister found banned foreign literature from friends and trash tips.

5. Managerial moves are slow and tactical because elder employees are generally untouchable, prompting a change of direction in management decisions towards personal gain over company victory.

6. The elder Sheen also was nominated for his guest appearance on " Men " as the father of the woman who stalks Charlie.

7. Cherry said the elder Pinkney arrived at the home with a gun, ordered his son to strip and marched him outside despite her protests.

8. She worries that her two other teenager sons might become addicted to drugs just like their elder brother.

9. Kwok believes the actual percentage of elder abuse is likely to be even higher, since it is a sensitive issue and many are likely to conceal their behavior.

10. elder在线翻译

10. They gathered the elder scholars and the younger intellectuals together to make preparations for setting up the institute while they were continuing with their studies.

elder 英英释义


1. a person who is older than you are

    Synonym: senior

2. any of various church officers

3. elder的反义词

3. any of numerous shrubs or small trees of temperate and subtropical northern hemisphere having white flowers and berrylike fruit

    Synonym: elderberry bush


1. used of the older of two persons of the same name especially used to distinguish a father from his son

    e.g. Bill Adams, Sr.

    Synonym: older sr.
