elder male cousin

elder male cousin

elder male cousin 双语例句

1. Today, I and my Han Guo little younger male cousin also had the elder sister to go to Japan together.

elder male cousin是什么意思

2. But in several decoration company inspected after the sack, we can only give up something, but the final decision to invite elder male cousin installed.

3. Finish speaking, also either ask for my idea, or have let hand go now, elder male cousin comes to my family play with a computer be riding a bicycle fitly, say be looking at my this tragic appearance roaring with laugh: I think that you still give up your self-distrust weakness is to hinder the maximal obstacle giving you extra Qian Jin absolutely.

4. I have a desire to excel very, the small vehicle rotates everywhere, I admire to be seeing the elder male cousin cavalryman to be determined to need to compose in reply elder male cousin one ratio height extremely, secretly.
