
effigy [ˈefɪdʒi]  [ˈɛfədʒi] 



effigy 基本解释



effigy 相关例句



1. The king was burned in effigy by the angry mob.

effigy 网络解释

1. 俺满脑仍是她的:却是真切发生的Reality . | 俺满脑仍是她的Effigy , | 俺想是真爱上这Genie ,

2. 肖像:effigurate 有一定形状的 | effigy 肖像 | effloresce 开花

3. (被憎恨或被蔑视的人的)模拟像,肖像:disobey不服从,不顺从 | effigy(被憎恨或被蔑视的人的)模拟像,肖像 | file排列成纵队行进

4. 肖像;雕像:efficacy#功效 | effigy#肖像;雕像 | effrontery#厚颜无耻

effigy 词典解释

1. (丑化憎恶之人的)仿真像,模拟像
    An effigy is a quickly and roughly made figure, often ugly or amusing, that represents someone you hate or feel contempt for.

2. (名人)雕像,塑像
    An effigy is a statue or carving of a famous person.

effigy 单语例句

1. effigy什么意思

1. Many fans feel the team has been plagued by the " curse of Colonel Sanders " since his effigy was submerged in 1985.

2. An effigy of Bush was set afire and had to be stamped out by police.

3. The unrest in Jalalabad began Tuesday, when protesters burned an effigy of Bush.

4. The Huang family and some fellow protesters trod on an effigy of Chen in a show of anger.

5. effigy什么意思

5. In Iraq's southern city of Basra, up to 150 demonstrators chanted slogans and burned a white effigy of the Pope.

6. She is the only first lady to testify before a federal grand jury, and once was burned in effigy.

7. effigy的解释

7. Two men chat next to a panda effigy in front of Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong on Saturday.

8. They stepped on the effigy of President Obama and shouted their condemnation over the visit.

9. A portrait of Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden burns after protestors set alight his effigy during a protest against terrorism.

effigy 英英释义


1. effigy的近义词

1. a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture)

    e.g. the coin bears an effigy of Lincoln
           the emperor's tomb had his image carved in stone

    Synonym: image simulacrum
