
eczema [ˈeksɪmə]  [ɪgˈzi:mə] 

eczema 基本解释



eczema 网络解释

1. 疹:湿疹(ECZEMA) 湿疹(ECZEMA)[转贴]湿疹是皮肤过敏的一种状态. 孩子最

2. 湿气:专业人士评点:湿气是归属一种肉皮儿过敏征象 啥子是湿气 湿气(eczema)是一种常见的由多种表里因素导致的皮面及真皮浅层的炎症性皮炎.其独特之处为自发 剧烈发痒,皮损多形性,对于称漫衍,有渗出偏向,慢花柳病程,

3. 湿疹AJy中国英语学习网:diphtheria 白喉AJy中国英语学习网 | eczema 湿疹AJy中国英语学习网 | epilepsy 癫痫AJy中国英语学习网

eczema 词典解释

1. 湿疹
    Eczema is a skin disease which makes your skin itch and become sore, rough, and broken.

eczema 单语例句

1. Chromium can cause eczema, while neodymium irritates the skin and can damage the lungs and liver if inhaled.

2. Contact dermatitis is a form of skin inflammation related to eczema that is caused by external substances coming into contact with the skin.

3. Researchers found that children who consumed strictly organic dairy products showed a lower risk of eczema than those who consumed conventional dairy foods.

4. Skin diseases like eczema and dermatitis are also very common in the season.

5. Even water can cause dry skin, which can make eczema worse.

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6. Flaxseed oil may also be useful in the treatment of skin conditions such as eczema.

7. Formula isn't as good at protecting babies against diseases, eczema and childhood obesity.

8. Shi got eczema because the water was not clean and Wu got a fever.

9. eczema的反义词

9. Bathing babies too often may cause skin problems such as eczema and rashes, experts warn.

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10. Health experts believe chromium could cause skin diseases such as allergic dermatitis and eczema, which is very hard to cure.

eczema 英英释义


1. generic term for inflammatory conditions of the skin
    particularly with vesiculation in the acute stages
