
eccentricity [ˌeksenˈtrɪsəti]  [ˌɛksɛnˈtrɪsɪti] 


eccentricity 基本解释


名词古怪; 反常,怪癖; [物]偏心距; [数]离心率

eccentricity 相关例句


1. I can't understand the eccentricity of Henry's behavior.

2. One of her eccentricities is sleeping under the bed instead of on it.

eccentricity 网络解释

1. 偏心率:采用脉冲多普勒超声心动图测量二尖瓣口、三尖瓣口及肺动脉血流流速,以三尖瓣血流频谱计算左室晚期充盈分数(AFF),AFF=A峰流通积分/(A峰流速积分十E峰流速积分),作为反映左房收缩功能的指标,左室几何构型由偏心率(Eccentricity)及左室长径/短径比

2. 离心率:地球绕行太阳并非圆形轨道,而是类椭圆形, 因此会产生近日与远日点,取其平均距离为1亿五千万公里 天文学称作1au. 1au是指地球距离太阳的平均值约等于1亿5千万公里,而离心率(eccentricity)若等于零即代表圆形轨道(e = 0) .

3. 偏心:他并进一步指出构图是向心(centricity)与偏心(eccentricity)两种相反的倾向在空间关系上达到平衡. 三等分法(Rule of Thirds):将画面作垂直、水平皆三等分(图2.),形成如九宫格的切割. 强烈的垂直或水平物体适合放置在这四条分割线附近.

4. 古怪:Nash 三十以后患精神分裂症与他的数学上的古怪(eccentricity) 有关,看来天才或多或少在性格上都与众不同,他的儿子Johnny 更早地患上精神分裂症,据 Nash 自己说,Johnny 发表了一个正确的了不起的结果,也发表了一个错误的结果.

eccentricity 词典解释

1. 古怪
    Eccentricity is unusual behaviour that other people consider strange.

    e.g. He was known as Mad Shelley partly because of his eccentricity and partly because of his violent temper...
    e.g. She is unusual to the point of eccentricity.

2. 古怪行为(或想法);怪癖
    Eccentricities are ways of behaving that people think are strange, or habits or opinions that are different from those of most people.

    e.g. We all have our eccentricities.
    e.g. ...the eccentricities of British life.

eccentricity 单语例句

1. eccentricity

1. Also hip is a look of mixing comfortable country fabrics - from tweeds to tartans - for a hint of British eccentricity.

2. The probe's camera beamed back thousands of pictures of the moons, each a study in eccentricity.

3. eccentricity在线翻译

3. They reflect the mixture of eccentricity and sensuality that has defined Westwood's work since her inaugural " Pirate " collection unveiled in London in 1981.

4. Wang claimed Hou's eccentricity and lack of income were the main reasons for choosing home education.

eccentricity 英英释义


1. strange and unconventional behavior

2. a circularity that has a different center or deviates from a circular path

3. (geometry) a ratio describing the shape of a conic section
    the ratio of the distance between the foci to the length of the major axis

    e.g. a circle is an ellipse with zero eccentricity
