
eavesdropping ['i:vzˌdrɒpɪŋ]  ['i:vzˌdrɒpɪŋ] 








eavesdropping 基本解释


动词偷听(别人的谈话)( eavesdrop的现在分词 )

eavesdropping 网络解释


1. 偷听:WEP提供40位长度的加密钥,对于一般的黑客尚足以防范,但如果有专一的网络黑客,刻意的要偷听(Eavesdropping)及窃取你传输其间的私密资料,却是易如反掌.

2. 窃听:其密码之编定应需有一定之规则可循.( )465 防止网路骇客(Hacker)窃听(Eavesdropping)的最佳方式即是通讯的双方皆对所传送的封包加密.( )474 要经常利用电子邮件的附加档案和下载档案(File Download)来交换资料档案,

3. 窃听、窃取:DNS spoofing(域名服务器电子欺骗)攻击者用来损害域名服务器的方法,可通过欺骗DNS的高速 | eavesdropping 窃听、窃取 | encrypted tunnel 加密通道

4. 窃听,偷听 窃听,偷听:窃听,偷听 窃听,偷听 eavesdropping | 峨边彝族自治县 Ebian Yi Nationality Autonomous County | 原住民族教育法 Education Act for Indigenous Peoples

eavesdropping 单语例句

1. eavesdropping的意思

1. State police investigators have been working in conjunction with the FBI since the eavesdropping allegations surfaced in news reports in April.

2. The White House blasted Democrats for scheduling action on the contempt measures instead of moving to extend the eavesdropping law.

3. eavesdropping是什么意思

3. The eavesdropping by an employee is only the latest controversy for the world's largest retailer, whose stock has been battered in recent months as sales growth stalled.

4. Known as Crypto City, the NSA is home to the largest and most advanced eavesdropping organization on the planet.

5. Keep conversations with traveling companions quiet and discreet - you don't want everyone on the bus to be involuntarily eavesdropping.

6. The New York Times won a Pulitzer for its stories on the eavesdropping program.

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7. Reuters said the NSA plays both offense and defense in the cyber wars, conducting electronic eavesdropping on adversaries while also protecting US computer networks.

8. Bush signed a bill on July 10 that overhauled government eavesdropping and called it " landmark legislation that is vital to the security of our people ".

9. eavesdropping

9. The existence of the eavesdropping program outraged Democrats, civil libertarians and even some Republicans who said Bush overstepped his authority.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. These materials may provide evidences that the US government's eavesdropping program has violated its citizens'civil rights.
